Springboard Working

 Your L.I.F.E.* Springboard





Fill out the form on the Right side of this page, and grade yourself from 1 to 12 in each of the 8 categories below. Each of the four sections in each category can be any one of 3 levels, depending on your progress in that category.
Example: In the Gratitude Section, If you feel that you are in the final stages of “feeling guilty for having achieved more”, then you would give yourself a 6 or 7 in that section.


Checklist  1.   2.   3.    4.   5.   6.    7.   8.   9.  10.  11.  12.


You struggle in feeling and expressing gratitude for experiences, people, & other blessings; yet, have no problem enumerating your grievances.
You feel increasingly guilty having achieved more blessings and success than extended family, friends and community.
You have observable positivity and daily acknowledge the blessings, people, opportunities and challenges in your life. You strive to “give back”.
As a family you increasingly embrace gratitude even through life’s trials and search ways to willingly serve to lift others without expecting anything in return.


You fail to progress because you believe that if you would have had a better past you would be more successful today.
You express a desire to do more in life, but are overwhelmed with life’s complexities and uncertainties.
You are satisfied with your current occupation and feel prepared to retire with financial security.
As a family, you continually make good choices driven by a growing family vision that inspires an even more rewarding future.


You say and do what you have to so that others will like you even when you don’t like them.
You hide your frustration with not being able to achieve more by exaggerating past achievements and current status.
You feel that you are establishing core values that help define who you are as individuals and as a family
You are consistent in your decisions as a family; you continually identify and agree upon essential principles from life’s lessons that guide your actions.


You constantly judge others, comparing them to the ideal and wonder why they can’t ever meet your expectations.
You put up with others’ stories and actions, attempting to feel like you care, but seldom do anything about it.
You are quick to offer sympathy to others and sincerely try to help and support them as best you can.
You genuinely care about others and extend yourself to help them with their challenges and opportunities while offering ideas they might not see yet.


You are too busy to be interested in taking the time to ask questions or to learn. It’s easier to just do what you can without involving others.
You jump from one “great” idea to the next, always interested but never staying with something long enough to complete it.
You are an interested learner, thirsting for new and exciting knowledge, and investing time contemplating ways to employ what you learn.
You are a lifelong learner, always asking new questions, involving others, and capturing the lessons from experiences and teaching them to future generations.


You feel increasingly worried about your health, spirituality and overall well-being and plan on getting serious about it “tomorrow”.
You feel frustration with your “start and stop” approach to personal physical, intellectual and spiritual well-being and growth.
More often than not, you work out, read, study, and eat healthy. You attend church together as a family and enjoy one another’s company.
As a family you have increasing confidence that emerges from being in harmony with consistent physical, spiritual and intellectual habits and activities.

True Wealth

You feel overwhelmed with increased debt and decreased savings. You live and breathe to survive financially.
Even though you know that family, health, faith, experiences & contributing to others are meaningful, you don’t know how to properly convey it to family.
Your family and faith come
first and you work hard to instill virtuous values and memories with your family.
You have a process that protects and preserves what truly matters: your family, health, education, wisdom, gratitude, and finances for current & future generations.


You are constantly involved in outside activities that even takes you away from your most important family activities.
You feel misunderstood because your family doesn’t understand how hard you work and why you can’t be at more family activities.
You make every effort to be proactively involved with family, especially in moments of crisis, problem solving, fun and celebration.
You continually design social, spiritual, educational and charitable activities that invite full family participation.


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The Business Family Coach – Lee Brower

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All text, graphics, and information on this form are the copyrighted works of Empowered Wealth, LC.
Your LIFE Springboard, The Empowered Wealth Mindset, and the Empowered Wealth Logo are registered trademarks of Empowered Wealth, LC


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Your LIFE* SpringboardName: Email: Date:

Measuring Your Empowered Wealth Mindset®

Powerful Family Leadership is the foundation for THRIVING in a world challenged by increasing abundance and exponential technological advancements.


1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.


“In Gratitude”

You struggle in feeling and expressing gratitude for experiences, people, & other blessings; yet, have no problem enumerating your grievances.

You are frequently annoyed when you do something for someone and feel like they did nothing to show their appreciation.

You have observable positivity and daily acknowledge the blessings, people, opportunities and challenges in your life.

You live in gratitude even during life’s toughest trials; and, with your family, you intentionally seek ways to passionately serve causes without expecting anything in return.


True Wealth Based

You feel overwhelmed with increased debt and expenses. You live and breathe to survive financially.

You have some savings and recognize the importance of family, health and charity; however, financial matters take priority.

Your family and faith come first and you are financially comfortable. You work hard to instill virtuous values and memories with your family.

You have a process that protects and preserves what truly matters: family, faith, health, education, wisdom, gratitude, traditions and finances for current & future generations.



You fail to progress because you believe that if you would have had a better past, you would be more successful today.

You express a desire to do more in life, but are overwhelmed with life’s complexities and uncertainties.

You are satisfied with your current occupation and feel prepared to retire with financial security.

You have a written dynamic Family Vision Statement that inspires & empowers you to say “no” to those things that may seem very important but conflict with your vision.



You are too busy to be interested in taking the time to ask questions or to learn. It’s easier to just do what you can without involving others.

You jump from one “great” idea to the next, always interested but never staying with something long enough to complete it.

You are an interested learner, thirsting for new and exciting knowledge, and investing time contemplating ways to employ what you learn.

You are a lifelong learner always asking new questions that seek to make life better. You use the lessons from experiences and stories and share them with future generations.



You constantly judge others, comparing them to the ideal and wonder why they can’t ever meet your expectations.

You listen to and observe others’ stories and actions, attempting to empathize with minimal success.

You are quick to offer sympathy to others and sincerely try to help and support them as best you can.

You genuinely care about others and extend your time, energy, attention and resources to help them with their challenges and opportunities.


Self- Actualizing

You are indifferent to your health, spirituality and overall well-being and not inclined to change.

You feel frustration with your “start and stop” approach to personal physical, intellectual and spiritual well-being and growth.

More often than not you exercise, read, study, and eat healthy. You have a strong spiritual foundation and enjoy spending time with family.

Your faith in a Supreme Being inspires your spiritual, intellectual, and health choices and, is prominently instilled within your family and profession.



You are a workaholic focused so intently on your business, regardless of where you might be physically.

You feel personal and business pressure that makes it difficult to focus on those things that matter most.

You make every effort to be proactively involved with family, especially in moments of crisis, problem solving, fun and celebration.

You continually design and participate in social, spiritual, educational, and charitable activities as well as traditions that invite full family participation.



You say and do what you have to so that others will like you even when you don’t like them.

You hide your frustration with not being able to achieve more by exaggerating past achievements and current status.

You feel that you are establishing core values that help define who you are as individuals and as a family.

You are reliably consistent. You lead your family with well thought out, experienced based, and agreed upon principles.


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*Leadership In Families Empowered






©2016 Empowered Wealth, LC. All Rights Reserved.

All text and information on this form are the copyrighted works of Empowered Wealth, LC.

Your LIFE Springboard, The Empowered Wealth Mindset, and the Empowered Wealth Logo are registered trademarks of Empowered Wealth, LC