Pringles and Motivation

Pringles and Motivation  Pringles and Motivation What does your “future self” possess that you don’t? – Dr. Benjamin Hardy Can “Pringling” be the way to victory over even our most pesky personal and business ambitions? Pringles = aggregating small but steady marginal gains. i.e. The more you are in motion, the more you tend […]

Wooden read this every day for the last 85 years of his life.

John Wooden 7 point creed  Wooden read this every day for the last 85 years of his life. “I am not what I want to be; not what I am going to be, but I am thankful that I am better than I used to be.” – Coach John Wooden If you have problems […]

A lesson for the ages.
Make Life Meaningful.

Make Life Meaningful  A lesson for the ages. Make Life Meaningful. If you don’t control your day, someone or something else will. A lesson for the ages from John Wooden. “All you can control is today. Yesterday is gone, and the future has not arrived yet. When you make the most of today, tomorrow […]

Gratitude is best when…

Gratitude  Gratitude is best when… Leaders are the people who elevate, motivate, inspire, and drive things forward, regardless of where they find themselves. “Silent gratitude isn’t of much use to anyone.” – Gertrude Stein “Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise.” – Sam Walton If you have […]