Stop Looking for Happiness

Is happiness the ultimate goal? “Like fear, anger, worry, and other fleeting emotions, happiness is an emotion that comes and goes, but cannot last.” Happiness is more externally driven, leaving us at the mercy of outside forces or changing circumstances. Fulfillment is internally driven. It is the process of living a valued life, where the […]

Arrows Out… so many stories!!

WACKY TEAR’s  WACKY TEAR’s Arrows Out… so many stories!! If you wait to arrive at happiness, you shall be sadly disappointed. Happiness must be experienced as you journey- a minute here, an hour there, a day here, and maybe even a week or more there. True happiness comes from spending our TEAR’s (Time, Energy, […]

Giving Yourself Away

Giving Yourself Away  Giving Yourself Away “More than anything else, the world needs the healing influence of a great surge of simple Kindheartedness, to rid humanity of jealousy, selfishness, and greed. Such a surge must start with us, as individuals; it is beyond the power of the world’s rulers or statesmen. Could there be […]