“I Choose…”

https://youtu.be/5wLcwii6W7o “Choices determine destiny.” — Lee Brower “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” — J.K. Rowling “Life is the sum of all your choices. So what are you doing today?” — Albert Camus My “I CHOOSE STATEMENT: “I choose to live with purpose, not by chance; to be […]

A lesson in leadership from a flight attendant.

GET OUTTA HERE!  GET OUTTA HERE!A lesson in leadership from a flight attendant. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams “You cannot give all the good the world needs – but the world needs all you can give.” […]

A Dog, and Sasha

https://youtu.be/aNUyZdOQsCA Kindness has ripples that influence for decades, even centuries. Article tags: If you have problems viewing the video, click here to view in YouTube. PodCast: Listen / Download Audio Click here to receive our weekly Meaningful Monday Message in your email inbox. We invite you to SHARE this video by clicking the “Share” button below. “Would any of your […]

Can you name one fundamental belief that inspires trust?
How about five?

Inspire Trust  Can you name one fundamental belief that inspires trust? How about five? “There are only two ways to influence human behavior. You can manipulate it, or you can inspire it.” – Simon Sinek In other words… “Arrows Out” is all about getting someone motivating you to do it. “Arrows In” is all […]