“Hey Hot Rod!” How do you say “I love you” without saying I love you?
What two words are way more important than “I love you”?
Put the You in Thank You
Gratitude, in its truest form, goes beyond a simple thank you. It is not merely a transactional acknowledgment.
Thank you, Anonymous
Thank you, Anonymous Thank you, Anonymous How different would our world be if we all did frequent acts of kindness without expecting anything in return? Imagine Th’Ripples! This week’s Empowering Question: Who can I see today that I normally don’t see? What small act can I do today, that can be anonymous, for somebody […]
Who’s Sorry Now?
Who’s Sorry Now Who’s Sorry Now? Try replacing “I’m sorry” with … “Thank You!” When you start to communicate appreciation you will improve confidence in yourself and gratitude in others. They, then, are inspired to repeat the good qualities you acknowledge. If you have problems viewing the video, click here to view in YouTube. […]