Meaningful Monday Message

URGENT! Don’t Miss the Message I Almost Didn’t Get

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
— Martin Luther King Jr.

In the context of agency, this reminds us of the

 responsibility we carry to act with courage, to speak and do good in the face of challenges, and to show untiring love.

“We are not i

solated beings. The power of one choice can ripple outward, touching countless lives.”

— Viktor Frankl

“Your beliefs don’t make you a better person; your behavior does.”

— Lee Brower


If you get a feeling to help someone, do it.

God could have given us all our own individual earths, but He wants us experiencing life together.

Maybe it is partly because He knows we can do so much for each other if we are brave enough to act.

Agency has brought about devastating violence and pain, but it has also created the most beautiful acts of kindness, sacrifice, and love.

Your agency can lift, heal, and comfort. Your choices can create relationships and bring peace to grieving hearts.

Catch the vision of the good you can do if you have the courage to act.

Answer the evil in the world with untiring love.

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